



2024-07-20 09:35:20 来源:网络


英语达人进!急!请帮忙把一句话翻译成英文! -
This is a way , a long way that we must get through.
Where are 【you】? 你在哪里?【You】can 【get】addicted to a certain【kind of】sadness 你可能会习惯与某种伤心/悲伤。That I Used 【to know】我过去所了解的。SOMEBODY 某人;了不起的人。这是聊天时给的英语吧?用了很多网络简写词。祝你开心如意!


英语达人进!帮我把这句话翻译成英文~~ -
It'll depend on whether you get good results!
You say that you are only a passer-by in our life, but you are the very passer-by much more important than many people . Merry Christmas, my best friend.
问一句英文翻译,英语达人请进。 -
I hear dogs barking and vehicles starting. Except that, I can only hear a low wind is blowing in the air. The morning of this winter is so quiet. The fog in the air flows away gradually and disappear finally.(英语的分句跟中文不同,因此标点符号略有改动)..
1.把快乐与他人分享,能获得更多的快乐!Joy shared with others are more enjoyed!2.上帝知道我们都需要有人共同分享快乐的每一天。God knew that we all need someone to share each happy day 3.没有什么快乐比与他人分享你的快乐更快乐的事了。有了一秒,一个故事,一个人,一个舞台,你还差还有呢?
问一句中文翻译成英文。英语达人请进。 -
floated and drifted in indistinct outer space. The beautiful rosy clouds were spreading slowly. The sun raised gradually in cloud layer. By now,the warm radiance of sun started to shoot out.The flaming light,just like pieces of maple leaf,came out in the surrounding cloud 还有呢?
We highly understand your suggestion.However, we are just a small company. To be frank, we can't afford the working capital regarding our current situation. We prefer to pay after seeing the bill of lading.The quoted price of A and B are as follows:希望你能满意。
英语达人们多给点英文的励志短句吧,想纹身 不需要很长很长!我要很多...
1、a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。2、a good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。3、a journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.千里之行,始于足下。4、after a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴。5、all roads lead to rome. 条条大路通罗马。6、art 后面会介绍。
Mom said, "when we love a person, it seems that there are hundreds of butterflies flying in the stomach until they fly into our hearts. And then our heats seem to blossom."